Christina Rountree | Web3 Educator

Artist, Creator, and Speaker

What I stand on.

Throughout my decade+ experiences teaching and traveling, I’ve been fortunate enough to experience many cultures throughout the world. With that experience, I have grown to appreciate the art of understanding what others wish to communicate regardless of cultural barriers or difficulties.

These invaluable experiences have strengthened my commitment to education.

An educational space in Web3 development can not only be compelling and revolutionary but also honest and forthcoming about its infancy and potential. I stand on principles with a priority on growth and open communication, and strive toward working with partners committed to doing the same.

Nabeel Shariff MCIM, Director of the Global Muslim Workation

“Christina brings a passion and energy unlike anyone else on the GMW roster. Her knowledge and insights provided high-level expertise to our delegates and was a valuable asset to our speaker program.”

Why Web3?

Blockchain technology and the foundation of Web3 is about getting rid of centralized systems and creating an open ecosystem that would reinvent the digital space we know today. It enables the up-gradation of the back-end, after a long time of focusing on the front-end giving users their autonomy back. You are in control, and you are able to freely see every transaction without the smoke and mirrors we are so accustomed to today through data mining and clicking buttons that accept terms and conditions we don’t fully understand. This new language can gatekeep, so I aim to bring these new concepts to light for the everyday beginner through my presentations and workshops.

Session Topics

• Intro to Web3

• Intro to NFTs and Cryptocurrency

• Metaverse Workshops

View a recent session I gave to get a foundation of my services. Audience includes entrepreneurs, executives, sales teams, youth/schools, and creatives.

Speaking Engagements & Appearances

Rate Guide

  • $5,000 - $2,000 depending on the quantity of content requested.

  • $3,000 - $1,000 depending on the quantity of content requested.

  • $5,000 - $3,000 depending on the amount of time spent with tech gear, and the number of participants confirmed to attend.

  • $3,000 - $1,000 depending on the role as a participant or facilitator.

If travel, room & board, or additional financial requirements arise, the rate guide will be adjusted to reflect those costs.